Is That a Supra? Why is this one of our most popular hoodies?
Probably the most popular Toyota Supra MKIV with videos, memes, and merchandise. Every Supra driver has heard this or has had "Is that a Supra!?" shouted at them when driving their Supra. Is it funny? Is it annoying? To each their own. The person saying it is probably thinking it's funny, the person hearing it is probably annoyed of it because they hear it 10x a day. Maybe the person shouting it is trying to be annoying and the person hearing it actually loves the attention?
Why "Is that a Supra?" However you feel about it the term was created due to the Toyota Supra becoming more and more rare. These cars are barely ever seen on the road and for most late 80's early 90's kids this was their dream JDM car. So seeing one will bring excitement and memories of childhood. It's just like seeing a Lamborghini or Ferrari almost. Maybe even more rare as Lamborghinis and Ferraris can still be seen at dealerships and your local Cars and Coffee meet. While the Supra, the mkiv Supra to be exact, is no longer produced. So spotting one in the wild, on the road, is definitely a site to see. Given those circumstances the Supra is now moving into the collectors market and appreciating in value. Obtaining one is becoming more and more difficult to do. Even if you have the budget or funds to purchase one the rarity of them can make it a long process. Depending on the color, trim, and options, it may take you years to find that perfect one.
So the next time you hear "Is that a Supra?" you now have a little background on how the term came about. The most iconic and viral video was the shop video with the man wiping his glasses and saying, "Is that a supra?"
Whether you own a Supra or not, here is the perfect hoodie for you! As an owner you can play into the joke and own it. People will laugh if they see you driving a Supra and wearing "Is that a Supra?" hoodie. If you're a car nut, other car nuts will definitely get a laugh out of this hoodie. You can get yours now below!
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